On 17/04/2016 14:09, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
> Mick <michaelkintz...@gmail.com> [16-04-17 14:00]:
>> On Sunday 17 Apr 2016 11:44:50 Alan McKinnon wrote:
>>> On 17/04/2016 11:36, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
>>>> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> [16-04-17 11:08]:
>>>>> On 17/04/2016 05:45, meino.cra...@gmx.de wrote:
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> ...and the novice was buffled and even the master shifted a little bit
>>>>>> after recognizing this words of the eternal being named emerge.
>>>>>> I know, that there is a difference in knowing the path and walking the
>>>>>> path, but it seems that I am not supposed to understand this:
>>>>>> These are the packages that would be merged, in reverse order:
>>>>>> Calculating dependencies... done!
>>>>>> Total: 0 packages, Size of downloads: 0 KiB
>>>>>> WARNING: One or more updates/rebuilds have been skipped due to a
>>>>>> dependency conflict:
>>>>>> dev-util/boost-build:0
>>>>>>   (dev-util/boost-build-1.60.0:0/0::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
>>>>>>   conflicts with>>>   
>>>>>>     =dev-util/boost-build-1.58* required by
>>>>>>     (dev-libs/boost-1.58.0-r1:0/1.58.0::gentoo, installed) ^           
>>>>>>              ^^^^^
>>>>>> !!! The following update has been skipped due to unsatisfied
>>>>>> dependencies:
>>>>>> dev-libs/boost:0
>>>>>> !!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "=dev-util/boost-build-1.60*" have
>>>>>> been masked. !!! One of the following masked packages is required to
>>>>>> complete your request: - dev-util/boost-build-1.60.0::gentoo (masked
>>>>>> by: )
>>>>>> For me it looks like boost not beeing updated/reinstalled because of
>>>>>> another version of boost, which depends on boost.
>>>>>> HELP, I need somebody, HELP, not just anybody hee-eee-eelp uuuuuhhhh!
>>>>>> Thanks for any HELP in advance! May the source be with you...
>>>>>> Best regards,
>>>>>> Meino
>>>>> Hah! That's one of those blockers that makes little or no sense.
>>>>> boost has this dep:
>>>>>         =dev-util/boost-build-${MAJOR_V}*"
>>>>> and boost-build does not depend on boost.
>>>>> So, logically you'd expect boost to want to upgrade to 1.60, notice
>>>>> boost-build's dep and upgrade boost-build as well to match. But it
>>>>> doesn't, because boost-build-1.60 is masked for <null> reason.
>>>>> It really looks and smells like a bug in emerge[1] when updating world
>>>>> where it considers boost-build first, fixes the version to use to match
>>>>> current boost, and then can't find a way to upgrade boost.
>>>>> Solution would seem to be to emerge -C either of them and let portage
>>>>> get on with it. Or upgrade just upgrade boost-build by itself then do
>>>>> world
>>>>> [1] I wouldn't go so far as to call it a "bug" as such, because nothing
>>>>> in the spec requires a package manager to guarantee that it will always
>>>>> find the best way to upgrade everything. It only needs to keep the
>>>>> system consistent with the ebuilds it has.
>>>> Hi Alan,
>>>> thanks for your reply! :)
>>>> ...and I thought it was me being too limited to see the real truth
>>>> behind that what it is The Matrix.
>>>> But it was only a deja-vu....oh wait! It was NO deja-vu ... no
>>>> glitch in The Matrix...we had similiar emerge-ncies in the past. ;)
>>>> I will see how far I can go...I was warned to use 060 of boost...
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Meino
>>> It reminds me of many years back with two packages that depend on each
>>> other and portage couldn't deal with updating both at the same time.
>>> emerge -C got a lot of use back then :-)
>> Don't forget to use -1aDv when you emerge boost manually as Alan suggested, 
>> unless for some reason you want boost in your world file.
>> -- 
>> Regards,
>> Mick
> Hi Mick,
> thanks for the warning! Will do so... :)

-1 is fine, but don't use -D in that manual step; you do not want deep here.

That happens later when you do a regular world update

Alan McKinnon

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