Hi Meino

Am 30.04.2016 um 07:36 schrieb meino.cra...@gmx.de:
> Hi,
> For a little project I need to program an Arduino board.
> Since all needed lib/scatched/script - or whatever it
> is called in case of the Arduino - are already implemented
> by someone else I will not reinvent the wheel a second time :)
> Therefore I need the Arduino IDE.

I am also new to Arduino, so here is what I did last week to install the
latest Arduino IDE 1.6.8.

I started with installing Arduino IDE 1.0.5 from GENTOO:

$ emerge arduino

It pulled in all needed dependent packages for the IDE. Look carefully
at the information displayed at the end of the emerge. You have to run

$ crossdev -s4 avr

to have the Tool-Chain for Arduino compiled.

Unfortunately I could not use IDE 1.0.5 because it didn't show some
highlighted commands in the IDE correctly. So I downloaded IDE 1.6.8 and
unzipped it in /opt. Next step was to run the installer

$ /opt/arduino-1.6.8/install.sh

To start IDE 1.6.8: /opt/arduino-1.6.8/arduino or via menu item.

Hope this helps.

Beste regards,


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