On 30/05/2016 05:20, Dale wrote:

I'm trying to do a update and have this last blocker that I can't figure
out.  I fixed another one but this one doesn't make sense to me.  Here
is the relevant output.

Portage is abusing your pixels (using too many). Here's the important bits:

[blocks B      ] <kde-apps/libksane-15.08.3-r1:4
("<kde-apps/libksane-15.08.3-r1:4" is blocking kde-apps/libksane-16.04.1)

This is the only important blocker ("blocks B")

procps stuff that followed is just a long explanation of why portage kept procps back and didn't upgrade

  * Error: The above package list contains packages which cannot be
  * installed at the same time on the same system.

The asterisks indicate this is part relevant to hard blockers and failures. (bangs ! indicate info or warnings, not errors)

   (kde-apps/libksane-15.08.3:4/15.08::gentoo, installed) pulled in by
(>=kde-apps/libksane-4.14.3:4[-aqua]) required by
(kde-apps/ksaneplugin-16.04.1:4/16.04::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
(>=kde-apps/libksane-4.14.3:4[-aqua]) required by
(kde-apps/kolourpaint-16.04.1:4/16.04::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)

   (kde-apps/libksane-16.04.1:5/5::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
pulled in by
     >=kde-apps/libksane-14.12.0:5 required by
(kde-misc/skanlite-2.0:5/5::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)
     >=kde-apps/libksane-16.04.1 required by
(kde-apps/kdegraphics-meta-16.04.1:5/5::gentoo, ebuild scheduled for merge)

So this is really a clash between KDE4 stuff and KDE5 stuff, and nothing is demanding a certain maximum version, so upgrades should in theory be clean. I'm not at a Gentoo machine right now so can't give exact info, but do this:

eix libksane
- is 15.08.3-r1 the latest version in :4? If not, upgrade it manually and continue. - does 15.08.3-r1 have a minimal USE? If so, set it on. This often removes the clash with :5

If all else fails, quickpkg and unmerge all libksane version, emerge world and let portage fix whatever it needs to.


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