On 24/06/2016 16:06, allan gottlieb wrote:
> Having read the latest news article and rereading parts of the
> localization guide, it is not clear to me what action, if any, I need to
> take.
> My systems are US English only
> /etc/portage/make.conf has
>    LINGUAS="en"
> /etc/local.gen has just comments plus
>    en_US ISO-8859-1
>    en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8
> Should I add
>    L10N="en-US"
> to /etc/portage/make.conf ?
> Should I run local-gen ?
> Thanks
> allan


L10N="en" to make.conf

"en" has no tweaks to be made to the new naming style so that's all you
do. Other folks who use, for example, Brazilian Portuguese, will need to
make tweaks and look up the correct value in the file the news item

For now LINGUAS and L10N will work in parallel and the devs will do the
heavy lifting. For the moment all changes will be light touch, the big
tasks will happen later.

One day you will need to remove LINGUAS from make.conf entirely, but
that day is not today.

And all of this is necessary because making a USE_EXPAND env var called
LINGUAS was a really stupid idea from day one.

Alan McKinnon

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