On Friday 24 Jun 2016 18:47:11 Dale wrote:
> Alan McKinnon wrote:
> > On 24/06/2016 17:40, Dale wrote:
> >> Peter Humphrey wrote:
> >>> On Friday 24 Jun 2016 09:54:35 Dale wrote:
> >>>> I agree that the news item was confusing.  The guide it linked to
> >>>> wasn't
> >>>> much better either.  In the end, I just fiddled with the setting
> >>>> until I
> >>>> found a setting that didn't change what I already have, in other
> >>>> words,
> >>>> I got a clean emerge -uvaDN world.  My first couple runs wanted to
> >>>> remove things and I knew the setting wasn't right yet.  After it
> >>>> was all
> >>>> done, this is what I ended up with:
> >>>> 
> >>>> LINGUAS="en_US en"
> >>>> 
> >>>> I left the LANG setting as is for the moment.
> >>> 
> >>> Didn't you set L10N as well? I read the news item as requiring it.
> >> 
> >> As I said, the news item and even the guide the news item pointed to
> >> doesn't explain much.  When I run into a doc that doesn't give me enough
> >> info, or so much that it doesn't make sense, then I resort of trying
> >> settings until I get a output that tells me that the setting I tried
> >> works.  At first, I tried "en" but some packages were going to be
> >> rebuilt.  Then I tried "en-US" and that caused other packages to want to
> >> be rebuilt.  Then I put in both and I got what I expected, a clean
> >> emerge output that showed it wasn't going to change anything from what I
> >> already had.
> >> 
> >> I guess when L10N starts causing packages to build differently, I'll add
> >> it . As it is, I'm not real sure what if anything it does that
> >> affects me.
> > 
> > Right now it does nothing, it is only setting the groundwork for
> > something in the near future.
> > 
> > LINGUAS in the environment is a really bad idea, GNU gettext uses it
> > to decide what translated messages to generate, but does it poorly and
> > packages use it inconsistently. Gentoo uses it to decide what
> > localization to use, which often includes which language packs to
> > download and install - something that gettext's LINGUAS never goes near.
> > 
> > So the choice of name on Gentoo's part is really poor. What really
> > needs to happen is that a dedicated variable L10N replaces what
> > LINGUAS does in ebuilds, and when the whole tree is converted LINGUAS
> > as a USE_EXPAND goes away. What you do right now is do what the news
> > item says to do which is copy LINGUAS to L10N in make.conf, then it is
> > done and you can go on your merry way confident that all will be fine.
> > 
> > Really, it's all there in the news item clear as daylight and
> > completely unambiguous.
> > 
> > You fellows really like over-complicating news items and asking way
> > too many "what if?" questions. Y'all need to knock that crap off now :-)
> I tried to comment out each one one at a time.  Whenever I do, emerge
> wants to remove some of the languages, en to be more precise.  I don't
> know if maybe some ebuilds or something else is a little behind or what
> but I guess I'll leave it as is until I know it won't change something
> that I need.  Each way that I try it, it affects different packages.
> I read the news item and was confused.  I read it again and was even
> more confused.  After the third time, I didn't see any point in reading
> it again so I went to the link, hoping it would be better.  Well, not
> really.  So, I just started messing with it until I got a setting that
> worked.  Hey, it's in there and it works.  Now the news item and the
> howto don't matter.  lol
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Did you read *all* the URLs in the news item?  Even if the URL on language 
tags and gettext were TL;DR, the last URL pointing you to the gentoo Wiki page 
on localization should be straight forward to follow.


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