
On Tue, 5 Jul 2016 09:57:02 +0200 Marvin Gülker wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I was wanting to give Gentoo a try today, but failed to verify the
> current minimal installation medium for amd64[1]. The .iso file does
> not match the SHA512 checksum provided in the .DIGESTS.ASC file[2]. The
> wrong checksum was confirmed by a user in the #gentoo IRC channel on
> freenode.net as well.
> FYI, the wrong checksum is:
> f04f987f5e94a1aa8c9ffc8a08c3bdbed0afd44f680342738d504b7149b9e6bbc49ee1fad851d7eef89103e43fefacaa57e6c7f768d164c3c4e77612e6847a35
> install-amd64-minimal-20160630.iso
> Can this please be fixed?
> Thanks!

Checksums are indeed wrong, whirlpool one too. Thanks for noticing,
I opened a bug for this:

In future please file bugs for similar issues right ahead.

Best regards,
Andrew Savchenko

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