Hi Gentoo-users,

I'm going to build a small server with Xen-hypervisor with
Gentoo as dom0 (if it is possible). Comming from ESXi-world,
there is no choice (only true hw-raid is supported).

But what about Linux? What's preffered way to go? Software-raid
(mdadm), or true hardware raid-controller? I have a few spares
(LSI-9271), these worked quite well with ESXi but I'm not sure
they are supported by Linux at all, and if there is actually
some way of monitoring controller-health...

Concerning sw-raid, I have used it for quite some time, but
never with Xen (is it actually possible?). Moreover, grub-config
for Xen itself is somehow more complicated and sw-raid could add
extra complexity...

So the question is simple. For Xen-server with Gentoo as dom0,
what do you recommend: sofware- or hardware-raid?

Any other general tips concerning Xen (particularly with Gentoo
as dom0)?


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