On Thu, 21 Jul 2016 22:01:29 +0000 (UTC), James wrote:

> <what would that default generic partition scheme look like for just
> boot, root and swap that works on both mbr(bios) and efi motherboards?>

I'm not sure it can be done. BIOS needs an EF00 partition at the start.
EFI calls for an EF00 partition, which is recommended at the start but I
don't think it's compulsory that it is there. I have heard of people
using sda2 as the ESP where sda1 is a Windows rescue partition. So you
may get away with

p1 EF02 partition
p2 EF00 partition, formatted as FAT and mounted at /boot
root and swap partitions as you see fit.

You could try it and see, but I'm not sure it could be guaranteed to work
on all EFI hardware, although it should work on all BIOS hardware.

Neil Bothwick

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       keep at least a part of their desks clean.

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