On Sun Aug 21 10:12:59 2016, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Hello list,
> After this morning's sync, both versions 4.4.6 and 4.6.4 of gentoo-sources 
> have disappeared. Is this just finger trouble in the server chain? I get the 
> same with UK and US sync servers.

I use webrsync and I’m also seeing this.

Trying to retrieve 20160820 snapshot from 
ftp://ftp.free.fr/mirrors/ftp.gentoo.org ...

[?]   == sys-kernel/gentoo-sources (4.4.6(4.4.6)@28/05/2016;
3.10.95(3.10.95)^bs 3.12.52-r1(3.12.52-r1)^bs 3.14.58-r1(3.14.58-r1)^bs 
3.18.25-r1(3.18.25-r1)^bs 4.1.15-r1(4.1.15-r1)^bs 4.4.6(4.4.6)^bs ->
3.10.95(3.10.95)^bs 3.12.52-r1(3.12.52-r1)^bs 3.14.58-r1(3.14.58-r1)^bs 
3.18.25-r1(3.18.25-r1)^bs 4.1.15-r1(4.1.15-r1)^bs)
Full sources including the Gentoo patchset for the 4.7 kernel tree

[ebuild  NS    ] sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-4.1.15-r1:4.1.15-r1::gentoo 
[4.4.6:4.4.6::gentoo] USE="symlink -build -experimental -kdbus" 81 531 KiB


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