On Friday 21 Oct 2016 13:39:54 Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 12:22 PM, Alexander Kapshuk
> <alexander.kaps...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > On Fri, Oct 21, 2016 at 6:42 PM, Andy Mender <andymenderu...@gmail.com> 
> >> Would a Gentoo .config work with the upstream "vanilla" 4.4.26 kernel?
> >> I know Gentoo does some patching to the upstream sources and menuconfig
> >> has
> >> 
> >>  additional features thereby.
> > 
> > Running 'make oldconfig' within the sources directory by default uses
> > whatever config-x.y.z is the highest version available in /boot.
> > Otherwise, copying the config file desired to the sources directory
> > followed by running 'make oldconfig' will generate a new one based on
> > the config file copied.
> > You could than run the diff on the gentoo config file and the vanilla
> > one and take it from there.
> Correct.  I'm pretty confident (having done this a bunch of times)
> that it is just going to drop any config items it doesn't recognize
> including the Gentoo ones (removal of config items is normal anyway).
> Since the Gentoo ones just pull in other pre-reqs, and the way the
> config file works is that the pre-reqs also get written into the
> config file, you'll still have all the settings that actually matter.
> For example, systemd support probably turns on multiple pts support,
> and even if you get rid of the gentoo systemd option the multiple pts
> support option will remain selected.
> So, if you're staying in the same kernel series (4.4) you should just
> be able to run make oldconfig and that's it.  You can take a look but
> I'd be shocked if you're either prompted for any new settings or if
> anything doesn't work exactly as before.  You might just be missing a
> random patch or two (gentoo-sources doesn't have that many of them).
> Going between kernel series is going to be the same as always, you'll
> be asked a dozen questions for new options.
> Now, the one thing you'll lose without the Gentoo options is that if
> an openrc/systemd/udev/whatever requirement changes it won't just
> automatically get pulled in.  You'll need to find out about it and
> manually update your config.  Honestly, I think that option wouldn't
> be a bad one to merge upstream, though it obviously does cross the
> userspace/kernelspace boundary.  Also, having end-users manipulate
> kernel config options is something very few distros do these days, I'm
> not sure if any of the well-known distros encourage it.

I haven't looked into exploits for this.  At a practical level, what will it 
take to compromise a PC? 


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