On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 9:55 PM, Paul B. Henson <hen...@acm.org> wrote:
> Any dev thoughts on unmasking media-tv/mythtv-0.28? I don't generally
> have issues with keywording unstable packages for testing and deploying
> ahead of the curve, but I usually try to avoid things that are package
> masked, particularly on relatively production stuff like my daily dose
> of TV :).
> It looks like there are three open bugs on 0.28 that might need to be
> addressed before it gets unmasked:
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=582218
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=582608
> https://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=591006
> It also seems the current ebuild forces the logserver on if you're not
> using systemd? The logserver is deprecated and upstream recommends
> against using it, I'm currently using a local 0.27 ebuild with it
> disabled using openrc, any particular reason the 0.28 ebuild forces it
> on if you're using openrc?

It should be largely fine to use, with the sorts of caveats you've
already noted.  The fact that this was still pending for openrc was
one of the reasons it is still masked.

The other issue is that my mythtv front-end died shortly after I got
it into the tree, and I've ended up moving off of mythtv.  I don't
believe Cardoe is actively using it at the moment so it is in a bit of
limbo.  However, it almost certainly works and tweaks to improve it
are certainly welcome.  I'm sure cardoe would commit them but if not I
can try to help out with that.  I just have no way to test anything at
the moment so I don't want to fiddle with it without testing feedback
from an active user.


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