on ~amd64 x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers, are supported to kernel 4.8; i not
find any warnings.

On Dec 3, 2016 3:49 PM, "Corbin Bird" <corbinb...@charter.net> wrote:

> On 12/03/2016 03:23 AM, Kai Krakow wrote:
> > Am Fri, 2 Dec 2016 13:00:58 +0100
> > schrieb massi ppp <massi.prosp...@gmail.com>:
> >
> >> hello
> >>
> >> i' m try to install nvidia-drivers latest on gentoo 4.8.11 gcc
> >> compiler 5.4.
> >>
> >> i've compiled kernell with genkernell, the driver has compiled, but
> >> not work because kernel conflict, i recompiled the same kernel
> >> following the istruction on handbook, but when i try to emerge nvidia
> >> driver portage fail to compile.
> >>
> >> i try also to find the problem to add or remove graphics and firmware
> >> correlated features by menuconfig, and recompliling kernel.
> >>
> >> the result is:
> >> the module nvidia.ko missing some value:
> >>
> >> lib/modules/4.8.11-gentoo/video.ko needs unknown symbol:
> > Maybe you are stripping unneeded symbols? Try to recompile the kernel
> > without this option first.
> >
> Curiosity : At one point the ( x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers ) package was
> reporting during build, kernels higher than 4.4 were not supported (
> nvidia's policy ). Has that changed?

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