John Covici <> writes:

> Well, you have several issues, looks like procmail executable does not
> have correct permissions, should be
> -rwsr-s--x 1 root root
> or at least this is the way I have it.

The issue with procmail was that it was not even installed... Suprised
me at first but this is a rather new install and hadn't gotten that
done yet.

Anyway, once emerged /usr/bin/procmail has the same permissions as you posted.

> If you need to send out on port 587, you need to enable starttls by
> generating a cert, or getting one from somewhere, defining the
> mechanisms and other things.  I think once you get that done things
> will work, or you will be able to figure it out easily.

For anyone stumbling on this thread looking for sendmail info I post
the following, and to conclude our thread.

I see the sendmail sources do have CACerts file in top level of the
unpacked sources.  Maybe that is what folks use.  Also there is some
explanation in one of the READMEs as well but still was not at all
clear what really needed doing.... but actually:

I dodged the issue altogether and swiched my smart host from (which demands STARTTLS) to  So when
sending to a gmail address now newsguy takes care of whatever it is
with Certs.

Should have tried that sooner... but there was enough other stuff
wrong that probably wouldn't have worked yet anyway.

All working for now. Sending works, even to gmail addresses.  And
others work.  Logs show no problems.

Thanks for the help.

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