On 08/12/2016 02:26, Harry Putnam wrote:
> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> writes:
>> On 07/12/2016 17:34, Harry Putnam wrote:
>>> Setup:
>>>    gentoo 32bit vbox guest on win 10 64bit host
>>>    Installed xorg-server, lxde Meta pkgs and deps
>>>    (along with many other pkgs ... to many to list
>>>    here but included at the end)
>>> uname -a:
>>>   Linux g0 4.8.8-gentoo #2 Fri Nov 18 20:16:14 EST 2016 i686 Intel(R)
>>>   Xeon(R) CPU X5450 @ 3.00GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
>>> Theoretically the install should be ready now to run X and lxde.
>>> However, when I run `startlxde' nothing whatsoever happens.  At least
>>> not at the command line or visibly.  Prompt just returns lamely.
>>> However, if I run startx.  The vm crashes clear to power off or
>>> sometimes just becomes inoperable with these error messages showing.
>>> (Note: nothing can be clicked moved or etc at this point)
>> Your first problem seems to be you don't have any input or output
>> devices. Please post
>> - eix xorg-server
>> - values of INPUT_DEVICES and VIDEO_CARDS from make.conf
>> - confirm that you built the kernel with evdev and the kernel module is
>> loaded
> harry > eix xorg-server
> [I] x11-base/xorg-server
>      Available versions:  1.12.4-r5(0/1.12.4) 1.12.4-r7(0/1.12.4) 
> 1.15.2-r2(0/1.15.2) 1.15.2-r4(0/1.15.2) 1.16.4(0/1.16.1) 1.16.4-r5(0/1.16.1) 
> 1.17.4(0/1.17.4) (~)1.18.0(0/1.18.0) (~)1.18.1(0/1.18.1) (~)1.18.2(0/1.18.2) 
> (~)1.18.3(0/1.18.3) 1.18.4(0/1.18.4) [M](~)1.19.0(0/1.19.0) **9999(0/9999) 
> {dmx doc glamor ipv6 kdrive libressl minimal nptl selinux static-libs +suid 
> systemd tslib +udev unwind wayland xephyr xnest xorg xvfb}
>      Installed versions:  1.18.4(21:29:32 12/06/16)(doc glamor suid udev xorg 
> -dmx -ipv6 -kdrive -libressl -minimal -selinux -static-libs -systemd -tslib 
> -unwind -wayland -xephyr -xnest -xvfb)
>      Homepage:            https://www.x.org/wiki/
>      Description:         X.Org X servers
> -------        ---------       ---=---       ---------      --------
> harry > grep VIDEO /etc/portage/make.conf
> VIDEO_CARDS="virtualbox"
> I don't have anthing in make.conf about Input devices nor have I had
> on 2 other gentoo installs that successfully ran lxde.
> I've used the same make.conf with little variation on all three
> -------       -------       ---=---       -------       ------- 
> harry > cd /lib/modules
> harry > grep -r evdev.ko *
> Binary file 4.8.8-gentoo/modules.dep.bin matches
> 4.8.8-gentoo/modules.order:kernel/drivers/input/evdev.ko
> 4.8.8-gentoo/modules.dep:kernel/drivers/input/evdev.ko:
> -------       -------       ---=---       -------       -------
> harry > sudo lsmod
> Module                  Size  Used by
> vboxguest             171071  0
> evdev                   8704  0

All that looks OK.
AFAIR xorg uses evdev as the default, so if you don't specify it
explicitly, it's what you get.

Just for fun, do you have x11-drivers/xf86-input-evdev emerged?

The only thing I can think of left to check is
emerge @x11-module-rebuild
and see what it will install

>> There's a decent X11 install page on the gentoo wiki, did you follow it?
>> Installing on vbox is not too different from installing on metal except
>> you don't use the video driver for the physical card, you use the vbox
>> one (it's virtualized).
> I used the gentoo lxde wiki, which basically says that once you've got
> a basic gentoo install AND the xorg-server is installed you are ready
> to install lxde.  It recommends using the meta package which I did.
> I assumed emerge would take care of dependants.

You assume correct

>> Lastly, why a 32 bit guest on a 64 bit host? There's little benefit from
>> doing that, and amd64 is far better supported in general than x86_64.
>> Plus you just create more work for the host.
> Does that have bearing on my problem?

Not really. I noticed and wondered. We can ignore it for the rest of the

> There were two reasons:
> 1) I hadn't yet found the BIOS switch to turn on Virtualization and
>    the newer VBox since late 4.XX  I think, do not even offer 64 bit
>    if it is not set in bios.  So the vbox version I used didn't have
>    that on offer.
> 2) I found the discussions about the new approach with 2 sets of
>    libraries and so forth to be pretty confusing... don't recall now
>    exactly what things confused me... so I went straight 32 bit with the
>    idea it would be less confusing.  And for 2 gentoo installs that
>    seemed to be born out.
> Since I had no trouble with those, thought I would stay with the tried
> and true approach.  But apparently I missed something important or
> some such.

Alan McKinnon

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