On Fri, Dec 16, 2016 at 5:19 AM, Miroslav Rovis
<miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> wrote:
> In my stron opinion, and opinions are allowed in Gentoo, just not
> imposing your opinion onto others (and that I am not doing, feel free
> to disagree!), pulseadio is spyware, read more here:
> Re: [Alsa-user] sans-pulseaudio Firefox? was: a strange thing
> https://www.mail-archive.com/alsa-user@lists.sourceforge.net/msg31928.html

What exactly about Pulseaudio do you think makes it "spyware?"  The
fact that it supports remote connections?  I hope you're not using

Obviously you do need to use a secure configuration so that random
hosts aren't tapping your microphone, but it would be news to me if
this was allowed in the default configuration (and certainly a bug
that should be fixed on Gentoo).

I never bothered to migrate to pulseaudio for years, but started
having random issues when logging into multiple X11 sessions from
multiple users (probably a console permissions thing).  Moving to
pulse fixed that, and was surprisingly simple.  While many probably
don't need its features it makes a lot of sense to me...


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