Am 17.12.2016 um 23:53 schrieb Alan McKinnon:
> No, I'm not a Poetering fanboy,

Ok, then I'm sorry.

> and you seem to be seeing the world in a
> way that fits your biases.

No, I don't.

> And you really need to go back and read the thread. Of course nobody
> said Neil is offering you a solution; it is you that are demanding one
> from people that never said they would.

I'm not demanding any solution. I'm just proving that it's wrong what
those Poettering fanboys let loose.

If this would be possible, then it should be easy for them to just
explain how this can be done or provide a link to a howto. They simply
can't because it is not possible to switch from systemd to another init
system, at least not for quite a lot of distros like Debian, Raspbian,
Ubuntu etc.

So I'm not demanding a solution, I just want proof. If they claim
something then I think they should proof it. That's all.

Btw., I've never seen that Poettering and his fanboys have proven
anything they claim so far.

Heiko Baums

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