Jorge Almeida <> writes:

> On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 12:40 PM, lee <> wrote:
>> Jorge Almeida <> writes:
>>> It is a voodoo (i.e. fonts)  problem. Things work for me now, with -fp
>>> in the Xserver command line and /usr/share/fonts/Type1/ before
>>> /usr/share/fonts/misc/. I would prefer to understand what happens
>>> rather than blindly apply a fix, but anyway.
>> Does xterm use different fonts for the menu depending on in which order
>> the directories appear in the font path?
> The menu has the same fonts when the first in the path is
> /usr/share/fonts/100dpi or /usr/share/fonts/Type1/; when
> /usr/share/fonts/75dpi it uses smaller fonts. So it seems that it
> wants /usr/share/fonts/?dpi. But if /usr/share/fonts/misc/ comes
> first, xterm crashes.

That sounds like a bug in xterm, picking a font that makes it crash,
depending on in which order they appear (are being searched through).

Even when there is a buggy font it picks, it shouldn't crash.

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