On Mon, Dec 19, 2016 at 01:25:19PM +0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote

> And I'm very curious to learn how to install in Air-Gapped, from git,
> through intermediary action, that is acceptable, but in a verifiable
> way, as I asked in my other reply email to this message.

  The Pale Moon project is located at...

  The current release branch is "27.0_Relbranch".  I'm not a programmer,
and I don't push commits back to the project.  So I don't need the full
depth and history.  The following command grabs the latest 27.0.x source
and downloads it to a directory pmsrc/ and only downloads what is needed
to do a build.

git clone -b 27.0_RelBranch --depth 1 
https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon.git pmsrc

  To save typing, I made a script "getcode".  I merely have to type
./getcode 27.0

  The script consists of 2 lines...

git clone -b "${1}_RelBranch" --depth 1 
https://github.com/MoonchildProductions/Pale-Moon.git pmsrc

  Note that this picks up the latest git tag.  You can force a specific
tag (e.g. 27.0.0 or 27.0.1 or 27.0.2) if you use the appropriate git
command.  Once the the pmsrc/ subdirectory is populated, you can...

cp -r pmsrc/ <usb_stick>/pmsrc/

   walk over to the air-gapped machine and...

cp -r <usb_stick>/pmsrc/ pmsrc/

   and then do a "-march=native" build on the air-gapped machine.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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