
and the novice asked:
"Is there the Tao in rpm?"
The master replied: "...ues, there is the Tao in rpm."
"And is there the Tao in yum?"
"Yes, there is Tao in yym also...in every package manager
is the Tao...humble and silent they do all their work..."
The master added:
"...and Tao is in portage/emerge also...but of an higher order,
so dont try to understand, what it says..."

This time the novice was who shifted slightly and coughed...


This time portage reached down from its ebony tower and spake to the
novice claiming:

emerge sci-electronics/pulseview sci-electronics/sigrok-cli sci-libs/libsigrok 

Calculating dependencies                          [ ok ]                        

!!! Problem resolving dependencies for sci-electronics/pulseview                
                          ... done!

!!! The ebuild selected to satisfy "sci-electronics/pulseview" has unmet 
- sci-electronics/pulseview-0.3.0::gentoo USE="decode qt5 -qt4 -static" 
ABI_X86="64" PYTHON_TARGETS="-python3_4"

  The following REQUIRED_USE flag constraints are unsatisfied:
    decode? ( python_targets_python3_4 )

  The above constraints are a subset of the following complete expression:
    decode? ( python_targets_python3_4 ) exactly-one-of ( qt4 qt5 )

What is missing what by what ?
Is it possible to make these kind of output a little more readable...?
I am only a simple human being and my ideas for more and more clones
of "The Tao of Programming" just to add some humor are limited...

Ah! By the way: Happy new year! :) :) :)

(slightly shifting and coughing)

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