I recently suggested ebuilds on bugs.gentoo.org and was advised to generate a PR (=pull request) against the gentoo portage repo on github:


ok, I forked that repo, did my changes within a local copy (clone) of my repo .. etc etc

So far I understand things, OK, I have to figure out how to use branches for separate packages ... but I am on my way ;-)

What I didn't yet find on Gentoo Wiki etc:

I would like to have my ongoing work (which is tracked inside my own fork of the gentoo portage tree) in, say, /usr/local/portage and be able to install packages either from the official portage tree or my own overlay.

I created files like this:

# /etc/portage/repos.conf/local.conf

location = /usr/local/portage
masters = gentoo
sync-type = git
sync-uri = https://github.com/stefangweichinger/gentoo.git
auto-sync = no

... but that always gave me permission issues

$ emaint sync -r stefangweichinger-gentoo
>>> Syncing repository 'stefangweichinger-gentoo' into '/usr/local/portage'...
/usr/bin/git pull
Permission denied (publickey).
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.
!!! git pull error in /usr/local/portage

could someone show me an example and maybe even explain the workflow?

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