On 2017-01-12 11:39, Neil Bothwick wrote:
> On Thu, 12 Jan 2017 05:35:09 -0600, Dale wrote:
> > When I do a upgrade and need to know what processes or services need to
> > be restarted, I use this command that someone posted about on here a
> > long time ago.
> > 
> > 
> > root@fireball / # equery b checkrestart
> >  * Searching for checkrestart ...
> > app-admin/checkrestart-0.47-r3 (/usr/sbin/checkrestart)
> There's also needrestart that is a little more intelligent, can
> optionally restart services for you and also works with systemd as well
> as old school init systems.
> -- 
> Neil Bothwick
> .sig a .sog of sixpence.

For OpenRC there's also restart_services[1]. I've grown to like it
better over checkrestart. Typically it restarts the services that need
restarting automatically, but you can define services as "critical" and
need an extra flag (-c) for restarting them. For a mail server, for
example, you might want to take extra care before restarting Postfix
after something has updated.

[1]: https://dev.gentoo.org/~mschiff/restart_services/

Tuomo Hartikainen

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