On Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 12:57:09PM +0200, Benno Schulenberg wrote:
> Upgrading from which version precisely?


> What is the full output of 'ls -l ~/.kde*' ?

I've played around with the ~/.kde* files a lot.  I've tried removing
them, as well as kde tmp files in /tmp and /var/tmp.  I've also tried
creating a completely new user.  With a new user or no ~/.kde files
kicker crashes on startup and I get no bar at the bottom.  With my
current ~/.kde* files the bar starts, but it's applets like the
clock or the thing that shows minimized apps doesn't work.

> And of 'grep kde /var/lib/portage/world | sort' ?

# grep kde /var/lib/portage/world | sort

> And of 'grep kde /etc/env.d/*' ?

# grep kde /etc/env.d/*
/usr/kde/3.4/env /usr/kde/3.4/shutdown"
/usr/kde/3.3/env /usr/kde/3.3/shutdown"

> Does Konqueror work?

Konqueror is a good example.  I just emerged konqueror, to try to fix it,
and it didn't fix it (and broke some other stuff, see below).  When I run
Konqueror it runs but first I get:

"There was an error loading the module About-Page for Konqueror.  The
 diagnostics is: /usr/kde/3.1/lib/kde3/konq_aboutpage.so: cannot open shared
 object file: No such file or directory"

I suspect that if I could figure out why konqueror (and other apps) seem to
still want to point to 3.1 libraries I could get to the bottom of my problems.

>  KMail?  KWrite?  Konsole?

Konsole works.  I don't run kmail, it messes with my email.

> Do most things work?

Other than kde stuff, my system is fine.  As for kde stuff, it's hit an
miss.  The kde desktop is usuable, but I get errors and things are missing.
Kedit works.

> The Control Center?

Control center runs, but most of the pages are just generic pages with
no accessible options.

> The Menu Editor?

I don't have it...not sure why.

> Looking back at your other emails...  Are you keeping the rest of 
> your system up-to-date?  

Yeah, most packages are up-to-date.

>What does 'emerge -Dup world' say (after a sync)?

Actually that emerge of konqueror I did last night really hosed some stuff
up and a bunch of kde packages went away (don't ask me why) and kde crashed,
so I'm re-emerging kdebase right now and can't check but I will get back to
you.  In general though, my system is very up to date.  It was a little out
of date, but in the process of trying to fix this I sync'd and emerged
most everything that needed it.

> Do you still have an old python-2.2* installed?

I think I removed it trying to get revdep-rebuild to work.

> What says 'eix -e python'?  (If you don't have eix installed, first do 
> 'emerge eix; update-eix'.)  What says 'emerge -p --depclean'?

I will get back to you with this info after kde finishes later today.

> Does revdep-rebuild now run without problems?

It did a few days ago, after much work.

> (And please don't tell us to trust you, we're just asking questions, 
> as you're not being very specific.)

OK, sorry.  I appreciate the help.

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