On Sun, Feb 5, 2017 at 11:53 AM,  <the...@sys-concept.com> wrote:
> Thank you all, yes good advice. I have removed most of the entries from
> the "USE=" what is left (and I'm not even sure I need them).

This is a good way to get started.  Get your system working, then
start playing with it.  At least you can browse the web while things
build then.  :)

> USE="... -berkdb

I'd question this at a global level.  I'm not saying it will
definitely cause issues, but the selection of a storage backend seems
like the sort of thing you'd want to make per-package and not
globally, unless you have a specific aversion to berkdb.  If you turn
this off on some packages they might fail to run until you set up a
mysql database or something for them, and that is probably overkill in
some cases.  The maintainer's default choice may be more appropriate,
again unless you have a specific concern with it.

This is the sort of setting that can make perfect sense in package.use.

I'll be honest and admit that I probably should give my own USE flags
another look.  Most of them probably pre-date the existance of USE
defaults when a lot more tweaking tended to be needed to get things
working right.

Believe it or not, this is probably the easiest it has ever been for
somebody new to Gentoo.  :)  Back when I installed we were still
recommending doing stage1 installs, and that was on far inferior
hardward.  Just imagine sitting in a chroot for a day or two before
you can even get your box to boot.  Oh, and no livecds either, if you
didn't have another computer handy (which was more likely to be the
case back then - no smartphones/etc), you made do with links.  I think
we at least made its home page the handbook.


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