Thank you Neil. I had not seen that link.

I've had quite an uphill battle getting Dracut to work properly with a rather 
strange networking situation I have on a variety of servers.

I believe the "out of the box experience" I had was not leveraging dracut, 
though I could be wrong.

Does gentoolkit not support dracut?

My search skills must be failing this really that uncommon of a use 
case? Can't seem to find much information around this topic.

From: Neil Bothwick <>
Sent: Monday, February 6, 2017 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] help securing system / remote unlock

On Mon, 6 Feb 2017 22:16:38 +0000, Simon Perfer wrote:

> Can't seem to find a tool that will generate an initramfs with support
> for ZFS, LUKS and Dropbear so that I can remotely unlock the system.
> Ubuntu makes it very easy to enable Dropbear in their initramfs. I
> could have sworn I've done before via some popular / existing initramfs
> tool on Gentoo but can't seem to remember which one (or if it's even
> possible).
> Short of building my own custom initramfs or hacking dracut,
> bliss-initramfs, etc., are there any pre-baked solutions I can rely on?

Adding features to dracut seems quite simple according to Rich's blog

Neil Bothwick

Q: What's the second worst sound you can hear a sysadmin make?
A: Uh-oh
Q: And the worst sound?
A: Oops....

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