Alex Thorne <> [17-02-07 20:36]:
> > What can be choosen as "glue" between the
> > "outside world" and TeX?
> >
> If you're looking for something to convert between different markups, e.g.
> LaTeX and HTML, perhaps Pandoc would be appropriate
> Alex
> >

Hi @all,

WHOW! Thanks a LOT for that detailed and many input! 
That helps on this side A LOT...didn't expected that
there that much ways to do it.... :)

To answer the question: No, the target group reading
the docs are inhouse customers reading the software
documentation on somehow user-level.
Neither science heavy stuff nor math-loaded landscapes
of formula (I *LIKE* TeX, though)!
TeX is for typesetting what UNIX/Linux is for OSses....;)
If you you use something different -- you will get something
(OK, really not meant seriously...I am just in the mood
for building some phrases...;) ;) ;)

Wanted input is ASCII (called UTF-something nowadays)
- target formats are HTML and PDF and maybe xlsx (and docx).

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