On Monday 06 Feb 2017 19:56:51 you wrote:
> I updated to x11-misc/sddm-0.14.0-r2 and as the title says, the DM re-logs
> in once when I try to log out.  The second time it logs out properly.  What
> might be causing this strange behaviour?  Have you noticed the same?

I got some time to look into this.  I suspected polkit which I updated last 
Saturday, along with sddm, but I may be wrong ...

In summary, sddm-0.14.0-r2 is buggy and it has bitten me and probably Frank 
Steinmetzger too on this list.  The symptoms I have come across are as 

1. Inability to mount removable devices

In particular, udisksctl in a terminal does not recognise the current user and 
asks for root passwd.  All users are members of plugdev and usb groups, while 
some are also members of wheel.

2. Logout relaunches the desktop.  

Before you ask:

ssd.conf is set to 'Relogin=false'

On the second attempt to logout the desktop logs out as it should.  There is 
no such problem with shutdown, or sleep, or hibernate.

This problems happend on two systems of mine both of which start sddm with 
/etc/init.d/xdm, use OpenRC, launch the desktop (enlightenment) with an 
~.xsession file and one uses consolekit on default runlevel, while the other 
doesn't.  The same symptoms were observed when using the Plasma desktop.

Could this be due to some other reason (what?) or is it indeed a bug?

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