Not about Tails, this message, but yes it is about GUI-less (non-dbus)

About its use for installing and running a Tails' relative: Whonix.

I made a well-accepted, I believe, push for Whonix to be installable and
runnable (actually it maybe already is!) in sans-dbus systems.

Pls. if anybody feels passionate enough about Unix heredity staying
sound and prosperous, and you feel you can contribute by helping in this

Whonix on Gentoo issues

then pls. do contribute!

There is a poor-eyesight old man that I am useless digression somewhere
in one of the first three posts (which I can't remove anymore, old posts
are not editable in Whonix forums), and also previous to below all
attempts of mine were unsuccessful, so...

So maybe if you start from:

[from] post 7, you will be sufficiently in the clear what the issue is.

And on a sidenote on this thread that you're reading. I probably need to
re-evaluate the current status of no-dbus virt-manager using virt-viewer
as GUI, with the last night update of Gentoo installtion of mine (always
such a pleasure).

Pls. contribute if you are familiar with Whonix and the issues there!

I've top posted this, because it regards the entire thread, not this
particular email below.

On 170114-22:53+0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> More errata.
> On 170114-13:06+0100, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> > If anybody is interested, I attach the install log:
> > 
> > app-emulation_virt-viewer-5.0-r1_20170113-164725.log.gz
> > (that's from /var/log/portage, just I replaced the : with _)
> > 
> > where it's easy to spot lines like:
> > 
> > virt-viewer-app.h:47:5: error: unknown type name 'GtkApplicationClass'
> > 
> > because the new API is missing in GTK2. And the package virt-viewer cannot
> > possibly compile.
> > 
> you can read in the changelog of the source of virt-viewer-5.0, if you
> unpack the virt-viewer-5.0.tar.gz, these lines:
> /usr/portage/distfiles/virt-viewer-5.0.tar.gz
> virt-viewer-5.0/ChangeLog :
>       [...]
> 2016-02-15  Fabiano FidĂȘncio  <>
>       Drop support to gtk2
>       The 3.0 release was the last one that still supports GTK2. For the
>       Windows builds the support to GTK2 was dropped in the previous release.
>       Let's do the same for the entire project now.
> 2016-02-15  Pavel Grunt  <>
>       display: Use correct variable name
>       Fix gtk2 build
>       [...]


Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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