On 26/02/2017 22:32, R0b0t1 wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 26, 2017 at 5:00 AM, Miroslav Rovis
> <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr> wrote:
>> On 170225-21:34-0600, R0b0t1 wrote:
>>> On Saturday, February 25, 2017, Miroslav Rovis 
>>> <miro.ro...@croatiafidelis.hr>
>>> wrote:
>>> https://security.googleblog.com/2017/02/announcing-first-sha1-collision.html
>> ...
>>> Very interesting. The first useful SHA-1 collision was, if I remember, done
>>> in 2015, and subverted an HTTPS certificate (though not one which had been
>>> issued). This was some guys with a couple of servers lined with graphics
>>> cards.
>>> Seeing someone manage to do it in a garage a number of years before it was
>>> cosidered feasible should, hopefully, make you have more conservative
>>> estimates of the strength of modern cryptography.
>>> Aside:
>>> http://ecrypt-eu.blogspot.com/2015/11/break-dozen-secret-keys-get-million.html
>> Too technical for me. Too little learning gain for too much mumbo-jumbo 
>> noise, at this
>> stage of my understanding of crypto, for me.
> My apologies. The useful part of the link is really the title. It
> explains how, if you *do* successfully break a given key, you have
> necessarily broken millions of them - you are just unsure if they are
> currently in use. The wise option is then to record every key
> combination you brute force in the hope that someone will start using
> it in the future.
>>> R0b0t1.
>> But, when we talk crypto being broken, I can help thinking of other
>> threats to Gentoo and other FOSS GNU Linux that I fear are perfectly
>> feasible (for the resourceful subjects)
>> Gentoo distro is increasingly served the insecure way, IMO, that is: via
>> git, without the repositories being, for end users, PGP-verifiable.
>> And via a new private big business, the Github. Giving over all users to
>> big Github brother.
>> And, in the trasition all the history got lost. Git started remembering
>> only from 2015.
>> I have asked a question about getting git-served repository verifiable
>> for end users, but I didn't get any replies:
> This is something I was concerned about myself, especially since the
> bare git protocol that most users access the repository from, even if
> it is the repository hosted by the Gentoo Foundation, is insecure. Git
> access via SSH or HTTPS *is* secure but is not implemented - I'm not
> sure why, as they've purchased a "real" certificate and the Git
> subdomain may already be covered by it.

I always though git's use of SHA hashes was to identify commits and
detect random bit flips, not to provide any measure of security.

Alan McKinnon

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