On 04/03/2017 11:45, Peter Humphrey wrote:
> Greetings.
> This is a KDE ~amd64 box, which still depends on kde-apps/kdepimlibs:4 for 
> many things. I've been running happily on =app-crypt/gpgme-1.5.5, but today 
> portage wants to upgrade to =app-crypt/gpgme-1.8.0-r2. But that version 
> can't be installed while kdepimlibs:4 is still around, as I see from the 
> ebuild:
> [...]
>         cxx? (
>                 !kde-apps/gpgmepp
>                 !kde-apps/kdepimlibs:4
>         )"
> [...]
> Is it even possible to satisfy that condition?

No, but you can mask app-crypt/gpgme-1.8.0-r2 and stay on 1.5/1.6

Alan McKinnon

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