On Sunday 19 Mar 2017 05:40:09 Dale wrote:
> Kai Krakow wrote:
> > Am Sun, 19 Mar 2017 04:12:38 -0500
> > 
> > schrieb Dale <rdalek1...@gmail.com>:
> >> Kai Krakow wrote:
> >>> Hello!
> >>> 
> >>> More and more of my Gentoo systems are exhibiting the following
> >>> strange and unexpected behavior:
> >>> 
> >>> After ctrl+c'ing out of programs like tailf, SSH password prompts,
> >>> in the middle of a shell scripts, the shell echo is not restored -
> >>> that is: If I type characters I no longer see the characters (but
> >>> they are received and can be executed by "enter"). If experiencing
> >>> this, I have to ctrl+c again to discard what I was typing, the
> >>> blindly type "reset" to reset the terminal, then echo is enabled
> >>> again.
> >>> 
> >>> I'm not sure which update or configuration is causing this. It
> >>> started out on our Gentoo servers some years ago (which I'm only
> >>> SSH'ed into, no physical access), now since a few weeks, also my
> >>> desktop machines are affected. I have no explanation for this.
> >>> 
> >>> But maybe anyone?
> >>> 
> >>> BTW: I know from the old times (some 15-20 years ago) that ctrl+c
> >>> out of a program (i.e. rsync) that starts a subshell (i.e. ssh)
> >>> that in turn shows a password prompt, will leave you with an
> >>> echoless shell. But it shows up on almost any occasion now.
> >> 
> >> I don't have a solution but wanted to reply to say that this happens
> >> to me too.  I have a regular desktop running KDE.  I use Konsole for
> >> most of my command line activity.  I've noticed that this happens
> >> with a lot of programs.  It has been happening so long, I thought
> >> maybe it was the new way things are done.  It is aggravating and
> >> confusing at times.
> >> 
> >> You are not alone on this.  I'm hoping someone will post a fix.
> > 
> > KDE with konsole here, too... But I don't think that's the common
> > denominator. It's also happening from PuTTY in Windows.
> I've likely had it happen on a regular console too.  I have just got so
> used to it, I don't pay it any attention.  I suspect this is a deep
> issue somewhere.  Maybe even as low level as the kernel somehow or close
> to it.
> It will be interesting to see what it is tho.  Given how long it has
> been doing it here at least, it's going to be a old commit/change which
> may be difficult to track back.
> Dale
> :-)  :-)

Not sure this will help, but none of my systems have this problem.  urxvt, 
xterm, konsole, terminology, all display anything I enter in the keyboard 
after I have pressed Ctrl+c.  I run enlightenment, or fluxbox, I have not 
tried with the plasma DE yet.

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