On 03/26/2017 05:16 PM, Alan McKinnon wrote:
> On 26/03/2017 23:14, the...@sys-concept.com wrote:
>> I'm in a process of clean-up my packages.
>> Running:  eix-test-obsolete
>> Shows a lot of valuable information, but I can not decode entries in:
>> Installed packages with a version not in the database (or masked):
>> ...
>> example
>> [?] app-editors/nano (2.6.3@03/25/2017 -> 2.3.1-r2): GNU GPL'd Pico
>> clone with more functionality
>> I've nano-2.6.3 installed. What does the "-> 2.3.1-r2" indicates?
> Oh come on Thelma, really?
> Did you even bother to read the eix man page? This is getting tiresome.
> Please just stop it, gentoo-user is not your personal Google clone or a
> quasi-brain you can tap for any answer without doing some thinking of
> your own
> A simple eix nano would have told you everything:
> It's in section "installed packages not in database"
> Latest stable nano is 2.6.3. You have 2.3.1-r2

Apology Alan, but this still isn't very clear to me.
Yes, I did check with "eix nano" and it showed that I had latest version

Even "emerge -Ca nano" showed I had no prior version installed.
So am still confused why is it has "-> 2.3.1-r2"

I figured it must be a pointer to an older version but since I had a
newest version installed why pointer to an older version?

man eix only shows "eix-test-obsolete" is equivalent to eix -tTc



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