Stroller, just a note on my experience this evening.  I liked what I
saw about linode in this thread..  Decided to try them out.

Got started with them... I was working from the command line in my new
gentoo vm provided by linode.  Getting things setup the way I like

In the course of about 2 hrs my connections were dropped at least 15
times and I think probably more.  At some points I have more than one
login going, and I noticed if I left one idle for a few minutes it
would b dropped when I next attemtpted to use it... I mean really a
few minutes like 3 or so.

Sometimes connections would drop while the login instance was
working... for example in the middle of a kernel compile.

I decided I'd seen enough and was not interested in spending time
trying to determine what this was happening... so backed out and asked
for my account to be cancelled and charges to my Credit card canceled.

Remains to be seen how they respond.  I only turned my trouble ticket
7 minutes ago.

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