You can drop it in /etc/portage/patches/x11-drivers/nvidia-drivers folder,
portage should take care of the rest when you emerge the package. You
should see 3 lines near the prepare phase, before the configure phase,
saying something like "applying user patches from... Applying
<patch>...Done applying user patches"

Il mer 5 apr 2017, 17:40 Alan Grimes <> ha scritto:

> Looks like a good patch but can you link to instructions for applying
> this patch?
> Fabio Scaccabarozzi wrote:
> >
> > Hi Alan,
> >
> > That is expected with 4.10 kernels.
> > You can grab a patch from my /etc/portage repository:
> >
> >
> > I took it from the NVidia forums, you can also find it there, I just
> > rebased it for portage.
> >
> --
> Strange Game.
> The only winning move is not to play.
> Powers are not rights.

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