On Sat, Apr 8, 2017 at 5:57 PM, Alan McKinnon <alan.mckin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 08/04/2017 20:16, Francesco Turco wrote:
>> I'm trying to globally enable the "bindist" USE flag on my system
> Why on $DEITY's green earth would you even think of doing that?
> Dont. Just ... don't. I don;t know what you are trying to accomplish
> doing that, but it can't end well.
> Set that flag in package.use for the packages where you want it to be set.

There are valid reasons to want to set that flag globally.  Maybe you
want something you can legally distribute.

However, you do need to accept that there are tradeoffs.  Some
packages will have features disabled, and other packages will simply
be impossible to use.  You can certainly get a working box with
USE=-bindist (our stage3s are built that way).  The more you want
something resembling a conventional desktop the more you're going to
have to be willing to compromise on this one.

Don't like it?  Well, unfortunately you're going to have to
re-implement some fairly basic stuff, and even then you could run into
patent encumbrances that are going to be really painful to work

Gentoo is just the messenger here.  It isn't like we're the ones
preventing you from redistributing stuff.  We don't care if you ignore
us.  Others might care more.


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