Martin Vaeth <> writes:

>> Alan McKinnon <alan.mckinn
>>| [ebuild  N     ] dev-cpp/cairomm-1.12.0-r1  USE="svg -X (-aqua) -doc"
>>| # required by dev-cpp/cairomm-1.12.0-r1::gentoo
>>| >=x11-libs/cairo-9999 -X
> eix -vle cairomm

Oh, that gives nice output, thanks!

> ???RDEPEND:      >=x11-libs/cairo-1.12.10[aqua=,svg=,X=,???
> So your selected cairomm[-X] requires cairo[-X].
> A solution might be to select cairomm[X]

cairomm now uses X.  That it won't compile must be some other problem.

BTW, bind needs

LDFLAGS="$LDFLAGS -ldl" emerge bind

to compile, is that a bug?

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