
On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 15:54:12 +0200
Jean Magnan de Bornier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> | I've liked the fetchmail->procmail setup as I can have procmail process 
> | the mail in many ways and even though Opera can do much of that I'ld like 
> | to keep this process.
> OK, sorry, I remember now why I gave up using opera!
> What you can do is setting up a mail server, (postfix, exim, qmail) as an
> imap server on your machine. Fetchmail keeps its business as before, now
> feeding your mail server; you can point opera to your server.
> Procmail would not be used in this case, but you can organize folders
> within opera... 

Hm, a couple of things here:

- both Opera and Pine can talk SMTP. So no need for a SMTP Server (MTA)
here (postfix, exim, qmail,...).

- fetchmail can use arbitrary MDAs, so even for delivery no need for a
mail server (the OP probably knows this as he did only mention
fetchmail and procmail).

- Pine and Opera have different backends for local mail file storage.

- Pine and Opera both support IMAP as backend (can't talk for Opera
here, but IMAP using Pine is just amazingly fast).

Consequence (same as above cited but a little bit different explained)
is: using IMAP backend would probably be the way to go. This could be
e.g. Cyrus, UW-Imapd, dovecot, Courier. I have used Cyrus and Dovecot
and can recommend both. Cyrus makes sense for multiple users and for
those who like the Sieve mailfilter (like me).

IMAP servers usually bring their own utility for dropping mails into
the mailstore. One would pipe the mail from procmail into such a
program and configure Pine/Opera/other MUA to use the IMAP backend.

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