Am Sat, 29 Apr 2017 22:02:51 -0400
schrieb "Walter Dnes" <>:

>   Then there's always "sneakernet".  To quote Andrew Tanenbaum from
> 1981
> > Never underestimate the bandwidth of a station wagon full of tapes
> > hurtling down the highway.  

Hehe, with the improvements in internet connections nowadays, we
almost stopped transferring backups via sneakernet. Calculating the
transfer speed of the internet connection vs. the speed calculating
miles per hour, internet almost always won lately. :-)

Most internet connections are faster than even USB sticks these days.
LAN connections tailored towards storage are even fast then ordinary
hard disks (i.e. SAN).

Nice fun fact, tho. If go "a station wagon full", it probably still
holds true today.


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