wabe <waben...@gmail.com> wrote:

> tu...@posteo.de wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I am looking for a (not neccessarily GENTOO) software, whith which
> > it is possible to synthesize the human voice (male / female).
> > 
> > It does not neccessarily need to be a TTS (I tried some) -- but the
> > voice needs easily to be tuned in the sense of pitch and sound.
> > 
> > Suppose you want a synthetic voice of Frodo talking some Tengwar
> > (and dont want to mimic the movies actors ;) or the northern slang
> > of some Elbish ... ;)
> > 
> > Another example would be vocaloid (commercial product).
> > 
> > Is there some software of this kind somewhere for Linux?
> > 
> > Thanks a lot for any voice coming up for this ! :)))  
> It's some years ago that I use speech synthesizers and I can't 
> remember all details. 
> First I use mbrola for some years. Unfortunately it is not an open 
> source program but it is available for gentoo. For some reason 
> (that I don't remember, maybe because it's not open source or
> maybe because there is no 64bit binary) I switched over to espeak.
> Later I also used festival. But I still used the mbrola voices 
> together with espeak and also with festival because they have a 
> very good quality (I downloaded some high quality mbrola voices 
> from the mbrola homepage).

P.S.: It is possible to tune some parameters for mbrola so that 
you can let it even sing a song. I can't remember if this is also 
possible with espeak or festival.


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