On 170503-07:03+0200, Miroslav Rovis wrote:
> On 170502-22:19-0400, Bobby Kent wrote:
> > Regarding the fourth issue:
> > > g0n ~ # eix memtest86+
> > > * sys-apps/memtest86
> > >      Available versions:  4.3.7 (~)4.3.7-r1 {serial}
> > >      Homepage:            http://www.memtest86.com/
> > >      Description:         A stand alone memory test for x86 computers
> > ...
> > > 
> > > Found 2 matches
> > > Received SIGSEGV - you probably found a bug in eix.
> > ...

> Two issues left to go of the ones I presented (and there are more, in
> slow time). The Wireshark and the Bash.

I would believe that what can be seen and read here:

Strange script planted with Bash

should make for some thinking...

It's in the logs
[link is at bottom of page, under "messages_170504_2155_g0n"]

I've studied similar logs, but previous, for hours, but decided to post
this as quickly as I can. It's much more easily credible if not much
later I post it publicly.

I'll think more about it and try and ask questions, but there are some
questions there that are obvious, I would believe...

And the issue I would think is undeniable now... And also not too hard
to see (just a quick careful glance at it, you are bound to see some
trouble there).

Miroslav Rovis
Zagreb, Croatia

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