On Thursday 04 May 2017 15:35:58 Mick wrote:
> Hi All,
> I hope this post is not completely off topic.  I have a small LAN server
> (with Kodi) running systemd and I want to use it to receive and store
> syslog entries from other devices over the LAN.  I want to keep this system
> as lightweight as possible, due to its constrained hardware.  What is the
> best way to go about it and how should I configure systemd?  Please be
> detailed with your explanations on systemd - my knowledge on this init
> system and its manifold applications is quite limited.

It was straight forward.  Install syslog-ng, add a configuration to accept 
logs over UDP and install logrotate, which brought in cron and configured the 
required cron job.

This is the additional configuration file I had to create:

$ cat /etc/syslog-ng/conf.d/remote.conf
source net { source net { udp(); };
destination remote { file("/var/log/remote/${FULLHOST}-log"); };
log { source(net); destination(remote); };

I also tried this stanza to bind a LAN IP address for the syslog-ng host to 
listen to for connections from the LAN devices, but then syslog-ng failed to 

source net { syslog(ip( transport ("udp")); }; 

Perhaps the ethernet was not up at the time and after a few attempts syslog-ng 
gave up.  I was able to start it manually after boot though.

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