On Sun, May 14, 2017 at 05:22:27AM -0400, Rasmus Thomsen wrote
> Hi,
> unwind tables sounds really interesting, but does it affect the
> binary size when I compile with -O2 anyway?

  Yes, because it's a different part of the build.  Personal experience;
I do the contributed SSE-only Pale Moon build for older (i.e Pentium 3
class) linux machines.  To qualify for official Pale Moon branding, I
have to stick with standard specs.  For personal use at home on a T400
Lenovo, I can do as I please.  My home version uses unwind tables, but
the official version does not.  The ".bz2" compressed tarball is several
megabytes smaller for my home version than for the official SSE-only
version.  It's even more noticable when extracted/uncompressed.

  Obviously, this reduction only applies to elf-binaries and libraries,
not to sqlite databases, JSON, XML, text files, etc.

Walter Dnes <waltd...@waltdnes.org>
I don't run "desktop environments"; I run useful applications

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