Am Sat, 20 May 2017 09:22:12 +0200

> Hi,
> I need a "windows" only for the purpose of flashing th.e firmware of
> my NiMH-charger because the vendor forgot, that there are other OSes
> alive on this planet earth.
> I tried ReactOS via virtualbox...and yes it "runs"...  But the given
> screen is /that/ tiny, that even the desktop of ReactOS does not fit.
> Hmmmm....
> I earned about some problems of the correct implementation and
> installation/usage of layer eight of some software/OSes and the
> handling of them so better to ask, what may the reason for this tiny
> screen...?
> Virtualnbox?
> ReactOS?
> Me?

Install the guest extensions, set the virtualbox window size to auto
adjust the guest resolution, then reboot and resize your window.

You may find that the taskbar is missing, try rebooting again. It
should appear after some seconds.


Replies to list-only preferred.

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