On Monday 22 May 2017 18:33:47 Grant Edwards wrote:
> Having just recently allowed Firefox to upgrade from 45 to 52, I'm now
> hobbled with the GTK3 file browser dialog.
> It's horrible.
> First of all, it's freaking _huge_!  It wastes acres of display
> real-estate.  It was obviously designed by a megalomaniac who thinks
> your computer belongs to him, and that while his filebrowser code is
> running, nothing else must be visible.

Hmm ... I haven't noticed this here.

> I used to be able to just start typing a path.  Now, that triggeres
> some bizzarre "search" feature that shows a spinner for a minutes at a
> time shows a long list of files I don't care about.

You can go to Edit/Preferences/Advanced and deselect 'Search for text when I 
start typing'

> I've discovered that hitting Ctrl-L makes it minimally functional, and
> I can at least enter a path again.
> I shall probably die still longing for the days of GTK2...


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