On Wednesday 07 Jun 2017 16:35:02 Rich Freeman wrote:
> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 4:26 PM, Harry Putnam <rea...@newsguy.com> wrote:
> > Maybe some of you can steer me toward some documentation or tools etc
> > that help a gentoo user to do automated updates.
> Unmonitored updates sounds like a recipe for problems.  However, I do
> have a cron job that does a --sync and then builds binary packages for
> everything, and it emails me the emerge -pu output.  Then if I'm happy
> with it I can just install the binary packages.
> To build everything (this could be cleaned up a bit or parallelized,
> and I stole it off of the lists):
> #!/bin/sh
> LIST=$(mktemp);
> emerge -puD --changed-use --color=n --columns --quiet=y --changed-deps
> --with-bdeps=n --backtrack=100 world | awk '{print $2}' > ${LIST};
> for PACKAGE in $(cat ${LIST});
> do
>   printf "Building binary package for ${PACKAGE}... "
>   emerge -uN --quiet-build --quiet=y --buildpkgonly ${PACKAGE};
>   if [[ $? -eq 0 ]];
>   then
>     echo "ok";
>   else
>     echo "failed";
>   fi
> done
> To install the packages you built:
> ionice -c 3 nice -n 15 emerge -uDkv --changed-use --keep-going
> --with-bdeps=n --changed-deps --binpkg-changed-deps=y --backtrack=100
> world
> Note that binary packages can only be built one level of dependencies
> deep, so if you're doing something like a kde update you'll still end
> up doing a LOT of building.  Then again, it often takes care of some
> pretty big first-level dependencies like kdelibs.  Typically over 80%
> of my package installs end up being from binaries, and often the stuff
> that isn't is small.  If somebody triggers a rebuild of chromium then
> that is a different story, but most chromium updates get built
> overnight.

I have stayed away from automating updates because every now and then there 
are profile changes, which add or remove USE flags.  I prefer to consider 
these, rather than have them applied automatically.  I may also decide to hold 
back some package updates for a while.

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