Well right now I am running Arch on my Pi mostly b/c when I was running
Gentoo I was compiling natiavly.  Arch has the benefit of running a minimal
install and you can basically build from there. I had some issues running
Gentoo, but that was mostly b/c I was building nativaly on the SD card.

On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 1:49 AM, Danny YUE <sheepd...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Any reasons? I want to hear some ideas to make the decision ;-)
> Seriously, I do not think it is a good idea to compile using Raspberry
> Pi because of the weak CPU.
> I prefer to cross compile on my PC when using Gentoo.
> On 2017-06-26 08:47, Herminio Hernandez, Jr. <herminio.hernandezjr@gmail.
> com> wrote:
> > I prefer Gentoo or Arch. With Gentoo consider making /var/tmp/portage on
> > USB drive. This way you have your build directory not on the SD card.
> >
> > On Mon, Jun 26, 2017 at 1:41 AM, Danny YUE <sheepd...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi guys,
> >>
> >> I am planning to buy a Raspberry Pi 3 to setup a local network storage
> >> and try some IoT stuff. Now I am searching for some background things.
> >>
> >> Which OS do you install on your Raspberry Pi?
> >>
> >> Gentoo? Raspbian? Or even...arch?
> >>
> >> This might seems to be the wrong place to ask, but I consider Gentoo as
> >> my first-place option, so I would like to know your experiences.
> >>
> >> Thanks.
> >>
> >> Danny
> >>
> >>

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