On 11/07/2017 13:51, Ста Деюс wrote:
> Hi.
> Is it possible to remove a package from a profile? -- I try to remove
> absolutely unnecessary to me openssh package from default/linux/x86
> profile that beside each time necessity to compile, just reduces system
> security. So, i did mask it, having created an openssh file
> in /etc/portage/packages.mask dir. Removed already installed package
> from the system and then tried to update the system. -- Openssh is
> enlisted to be compiled/installed among other packages! So, what's the
> recipe here?
> Thank you for your time,
> Sthu.

Yeah, you really don't want to do that.

virtual/ssh is listed in the base profile, so every Gentoo system on the
planet starts off with it included. It's the server and the client, so
if you don't want the server running, then don't start it (your security
argument doesn't really hold water), and the client is about the second
most useful piece of software there is, up there with compilers and shells

It's not a big package:
$ equery size openssh
 * net-misc/openssh-7.5_p1-r2
         Total files : 70
         Total size  : 5.68 MiB

Compiles rather quickly too:
$ genlop -t openssh
 * net-misc/openssh
     Tue Jul  4 04:43:52 2017 >>> net-misc/openssh-7.5_p1-r2
       merge time: 53 seconds.

So I think you are cargo-culting and trying to remove something with
zero understanding of why it is there. But it annoys you

But if you really want to shoot both feet off at the knees, read on:

You can't modify a profile, nothing in them is optional. You have to
take an existing profile then extend and modify it. Look at
defaults/linux/x86/* and see how they extend x86.

The magic line that does what you desire goes in a file called
"packages", look at this example from prefix:

$ cat ./prefix/linux/packages
# Here we remove packages that default/linux/packages pulls in and have
# no business being in Gentoo Prefix

Alan McKinnon

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