I launched a Linux Mint liveDVD in QEMU like so:

qemu-system-x86_64 -m 1024 -enable-kvm -drive 
if=virtio,file=Mint_18.2_HDA.qcow2,cache=none -cdrom linuxmint-18.2-

and noticed a warning popping up informing me Cinnamon is running without 
video hardware acceleration available and everything will be rendered in 

I've had a similar experience when running Cinnamon on VirtualBox on a quite 
old 32bit desktop, but thought this i7 laptop + QEMU may fair better.

Another annoying thing was the bottom of the screen was cropped off and to see 
the main menu and toolbar I have to move the mouse past the bottom edge of the 
window.  The visual aperture is smaller than the desktop screen size.  I don't 
know if this in anyway related to the above warning.

Anyway, is there a setting I could enable to have hardware acceleration on 
QEMU, or have I come across a hardware limitation of this laptop?  Grateful 
for any pointers.

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