It seems this is one of these things I keep forgetting how to perform 
correctly, despite taking notes and reading the documentation.  I thought I 
had upgraded postgresql from 9.5.7 to 9.6.3-r1 a couple of weeks ago.

Today depclean asked me to remove 9.5.7 and after a moment's hesitation I went 
along with it.  To my surprise I got this at the end of it:

<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/server/catalog
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/server/bootstrap
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/server/access
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/server
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/libpq
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/internal/libpq
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/internal
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/informix/esql
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5/informix
<<<          dir /usr/include/postgresql-9.5
--- !empty   dir /usr/include
--- !empty   dir /usr/bin
--- !empty   dir /usr
--- !empty   dir /etc/postgresql-9.5
--- !empty   dir /etc/pam.d
--- !empty   dir /etc/init.d
--- !empty   dir /etc/conf.d
--- !empty   dir /etc
Unsetting 9.5 as default...done.
Setting 9.6 as the default...ln: failed to create symbolic link 
'/usr/include/libpq-fe.h': File exists
!!! Error: Unable to create link! postgresql-9.6/libpq-fe.h -> 
>>> Regenerating /etc/
Packages installed:   1321
Packages in world:    216
Packages in system:   44
Required packages:    1321
Number removed:       1

Looking at /usr/include/ I see this:

lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     29 Jul 16 13:56 postgres_ext.h -> 
lrwxrwxrwx   1 root root     14 Jul 29 10:34 postgresql -> postgresql-9.6
drwxr-xr-x   6 root root   4096 Jul 16 13:55 postgresql-9.6

Although the old /usr/include/postgresql-9.5 directory and file postgres_ext.h 
have been removed, the symlink is still pointint to the old file, rather than 
having been replaced with a symlink to 

$ ls -la /usr/include/postgresql-9.6/postgres_ext.h 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 2151 Jul 16 13:54 

I'm trying to understand why this might have happened.  Which process/action 
is responsible for setting this symlink?  

Also, the entry run by depclean above also confused me:

Unsetting 9.5 as default...done.
Setting 9.6 as the default...

How is the default version of postgresql being set in a system?  What specific 
actions do these two entries entail?  I thought with openrc at least it is a 
matter of setting up the latest postgresql version to start up in rc-update. 

I've replaced the symlink with the live postgresql manually for now - I hope I 
haven't borked the database ...

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