On 2017-08-02 22:36, Daniel Campbell wrote:

> I went in search of a few portable shell resources. Some suggest to
> use dash or posh for the testing environment. I also found shellcheck,
> which looks pretty promising (and it's in the tree! Thanks jlec). Do
> you have any experience in portable shell scripting? My web search
> didn't return a whole lot of good resources. Mostly just Stack
> Overflow and a few tutorials which pointed to other resources.

My server still runs debian, and now my Pi does as well, and all my
scripts have to run there, so yes, I have some experience.

The Turtle Book (Classic Shell Scripting by Robbins and Beebe) is pretty
good at explaining the differences between the various implementations.
OTOH it also contains some (IMO) dubious recommendations which have
unfortunately become conventional wisdom.

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