On 8/16/2017 6:00 PM, Stroller wrote:
On 26 Mar 2017, at 03:57, Stroller <strol...@stellar.eclipse.co.uk> wrote:

In the next few weeks I need to move my email server (a very old Gentoo 
installation) from the closet in my home, into the cloud so that I can go 
travelling and access my mail from anywhere.
A few months ago I asked for hosting recommendations, and was surprised not to 
receive any mention of Amazon's cloud services.

I thought reason might be that Amazon's cloud servers are different from a 
regular VM, but today saw someone on the Postfix list state that they're 
running it on an AWS instance.

Has anyone tried running Gentoo on AWS or did this go unmentioned because it's 


I use AWS instances extensively at work and they have been incredibly reliable and after initially learning the tools they're very convenient to manage (IMNHO of course.)

I've used the AWS free tier EC2 to set up a Gentoo instance using a public AMI to base it on. It worked OK and I'm certain I could have figured out how to set it up from scratch too.

The free tier is a micro instance which may or may not suit your purposes. It's probably fine for a mail server and low traffic web server.

If you do set up a mail server in AWS you need to contact support to get them to remove throttling they automatically have in place for mail (port 25.) It wasn't a hassle to do, I just asked and they quickly removed the throttling.

However, I decided to go with a Linode instance instead, mostly due to pricing.

Once I wanted multiple CPU cores and more memory I couldn't justify the AWS cost to myself for a personal machine.

Linode has been incredibly reliable for me as well and I run Gentoo there also.


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